Women's Gift Hierarchy: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

Women’s hierarchy/
puts poetry after flowers./
I don’t obey rules.

Just in case anyone wonders…
hi·er·ar·chy   /ˈhaɪəˌrɑrki, ˈhaɪrɑr-/ [hahy-uh-rahr-kee, hahy-rahr-]
so it can be either 3 or 4 syllables. If you prefer 4, substitute “Femme’s” for “Women’s” to preserve the 5 syllable integrity of Haiku.

Life Changed Us: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

Life changed us today./
We ate, laughed, talked, said goodbye./
Did you feel it, too?

Alternative from someone experiencing the same things from a different perspective
We ate a pot roast./
We ate, laughed, talked, said goodbye./
Did you like the taste?

When Women Criticize Guys Romantic Efforts: A Revolutionary Blogging Poem

A friend’s Blog, EekHarmony, had a statement about romantic efforts by guys: “I humbly submit
http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/2010/04/13/love-injections/ for the pleasure of the many rapier wits on this site. Fabulously cool or frighteningly creepy?” My comment on the blog was:

If I, as
a rapier wit
was criticized
for writing or doing romance (or something like it) …
I’d quit.

Beyond fabulously cool.
Think of the synapses
which have to be connected
to make creative love passes.

So why deign to criticize
Any guy who at least tries?